Battle of the Brain sixth edition
this is very popular Tournament, played without Chess Board, now sixth edition
Vikash Mishra VS Selim Altinok 0-1 (Time keeper Mahendra.)
Olivier Deville VS Jairo Leyton 1-0 (since Gaurav had power failure, Olivier send the game to our group.)
Randy Kruzeniski VS Orhan Yeter, 0-1 (after somedifficulty we found T|K for this game)
Sourabh Mishra VS Viral Trivedi 0-1 (it was very quick)
Manohar Vaswani VS Madan Bagayatkar 0-1 (it was with three M, Manohar, Madan and Mahendra!!)
Jose Maria Saponara VS Abderrahim Moumtaz 1-0 (long game for this kind of tournament)
Ibrahim Dal VS Mahendra Galani 1-0 (for Black was very confusing)
Gaurav Khetre VS Ashok Kumbhar 1/2-1/2 (Time keeper Pankaj.)
Cagri Gokcek VS Shivkumar Raheja 1-0 (Time keeper George.)
Jim Thoune VS Mario Roberts 1-0 (they found link, George timed the gameo)
David Rosenkoetter VS Abdi luunge 0-1 (George was TK for this game)
Dammie Onafeko VS Nirandas Thavorath 0-1 (George was timing one more game!!)
Pankaj Bendre VS Siddharth Keshri 1-0 (Time and score keeper Gaurav.)
Massimo Maccafferi VS Omkar Talvalkar * (Both got double forfeit.)
Kamlesh Manvatkar VS No player 1-0 (Kamlesh got a buy.)
Kerim Altınok VS Regis Gerbaux 1-0 (Time keeper George.)
Ali Ekber Cengiz VS Tuan Rushdi, 1-0 (Ali was winning)
Shivkumar Raheja VS Sourabh Mishra 1-0 (in this case all three were Indians, though from difrunt citys!!)
Orhan Yeter VS Pankaj Bendre 1-0 (George timed one more game, again long for BOB Tournament)
Jairo Leyton+ VS Dammie Onafeko 1-0 (great, one more TK Duty from George)
Mario Roberts VS Vikash Mishra 0-1 (This game finished very soon TK Pankaj.)
Omkar Talwakar VS Randy KRUZENISKI 0-1 (for BOBTournament, it was long game with 43 Moves!!)
Selim Altinok VS Jim Thoune 1-0 (Black lost on time!!)
Abdi Luunge VS Kerim Altinok 0-1 (for BOB Tournament, it was a long game!!)
madan bagayatkar VS Ibrahim Dal 0-1 (72 Moves for BOB game is surely long)
Kamlesh Manvatkar VS Jose Maria Saponara 0-1 (very unfortunate, Kamlesh due to appointment, could not play further.)
Viral Trivedi VS Cagri Gökcek 1-0 (they played very quick)
Abderrahim Mountaz VS Massimo Maccaferri 1-0 (Siddarth was timing his first ever BOB game , inspite of pronunciation difficulty, he manage to time the game.)
Tuan Rushdi VS Manohar Vaswani 1-0 (again long for BOB Tournament)
Mahendra Galani VS Gaurav Khetre 0-1 (it was no option, but for white to resign)
Regis Gerbaux VS David Rosenkoetter 1-0 (this game went very fast)
Nirandas Thavorath VS Olivier Deville 0-1 (Black left with so much time!!)
Ashok Kumbhar VS Ali Ekber Sangiz 1-0 (White was still having 27 minutes left.)
Olivier Deville VS Viral Trivedi 1-0 (Jose was timing this game)
Manohar Vaswani VS Sourabh Mishra 0-1 (this game was scheduled ant played at very short notice)
Kerim Altinok VS Selim Altinok 1/2-1/2 (it was all Turkish affair, from players to TK!!)
Jim Thoune VS Abderrahim Moumtaz 1/2-1/2 (young Omkar was timing one more game!!)
Vikash Mishra VS Madan Bagayatkar 0-1 (Omkar was timing his first game in the thurd round)
Ali Ekber Cengiz VS Nirandass Thavorath 0-1 (both players were left with allmost same amount of time!!)
Siddarth Keshri VS Regis Gerbaux 0-1 (Mario was timing one more game)
Ibrahim Dal VS Orhan Yeter, 1-0 (it was all Turkish affair!!)
Kamlesh Manvatkar VS Mahendra Galani 0-1 (as Gaurav had power failure, George time the game at very short notice!!)
Randy Kruzeniski VS Jairo Leyton 1-0 (i hope, after game report, the board position will be clear to Jairo)
Shivkumar Raheja VS Tuan Rushdi, 0-1 (just over 30 moves!!)
Jose Maria Saponara VS Gaurav Khetre 1-0 (Jose Maria said, he got lucky in this game!!)
Dammie Onafeko VS Omkar Talwalkar 0-1 (47 moves, long game for this Tournament!!)
Mahendra Galani VS Madan Bagayatkar 0-1 (it was once again, Trio of 3 M, Mahendra Madan, and Massimo!!)
Ashok Kumbhar VS Jim Thoune 1-0 (Ashok won this game)
Selim Altinok VS Ibrahim Dal 1/2-1/2 (game resulted in draw after 49 moves!!)
Tuan Rushdi VS Cagri Gökcek 0-1 (they took 22 minutes each, Regis timed this game!!)
Gaurav Kethre VS Kerim Altinok 1/2-1/2 (Siddarth timed this game!!)
Olivier Deville VS Jose Maria Saponara 1-0 (Olivier needed only 20 minutes to make 23 moves!!)
Regis Gerbaux VS Randy KRUZENISKI 1-0 (after examinig the facts, Jeorge ruled, Randy thw einner!!)
Regis Gerbaux VS Randy KRUZENISKI 0-1 (after listing the recording, George ruled, that Randy as winner)
Omkar Talvalkar VS Mario Roberts 0-1 (Time left: white - 50 minutes, 20 seconds,black - 39 minutes, 35 seconds.)
Viral Trivedi VS Pankaj Bendre 1-0 (Time left: white - 46 minutes, 49 seconds,black - 44 minutes, 30 seconds. Timekeeper and Scorekeeper Gaurav Khetre)
Sourabh Mishra VS Vikash Mishra 1-0 (Time left: white - 48 minutes, 28 seconds,black - 44 minutes, 28 seconds. TK: Pankaj)
Abderrahim Mountaz VS Abdi luunge 0-1 (TK Olivier)
Massimo Maccaferri VS Kamlesh Manvatkar 0-1 (Time left: white - 38 minutes, 54 seconds,black - 41 minutes, 38 seconds.)
Jairo Leyton VS Ali Ekber Cengiz 1-0 (TK Olivier)
Madan Bagayatkar VS Randy KRUZENISKI 0-1 (TK George de Nobrega)
Mario Roberts VS Ashok Kumbhar 0-1 (TK George de Nobrega)
Cagri Gökcek VS Orhan Yeter 1/2-1/2 (Tk Kerim Altinok)
Selim Altinok VS Olivier Deville 1-0 (Tk Kerim)
Jose Maria Saponara VS Viral Trivedi 0-1 (Tk Mahendra)
Pankaj Bendre VS Gaurav Khetre 1/2-1/2 (TK siddharta {Time left: white - 41 minutes, 14 seconds, black - 50 minutes, 10 seconds.})
Abdi Luunge VS Siddarth Kesri 0-1 (by forfeit)
Nirandas Thovarath VS Regis Gerbaux 1-0 (TK Olivier)
Sourabh Mishra VS Jairo Leyton 1/2-1/2 ((both players could not agree on time and date))
Mahendra Galani VS Tuan Rushdi 0-1 (tk Viral Trivedi)
Jim Thoune VS Kamlesh Manvatkar 1-0 (walk over)
David Rosenkoder VS Massimo Maccaferri 0-1 (walkover)
Vikash Mishra VS Ali Ekber Sangiz 1-0 (tk olivier)
Omkar Talwakar VS Abderrahim Moumtaz 0-1 (tk Tuan Time left: white - one hour , 31 minutes, 27 seconds,black - one hour , 58 minutes, 34 seconds.)
Kerim Altinok VS Ibrahim Dal 0-1 (TK Selim Altinok)
Manohar Vaswani VS Shivkumar Raheja 1-0 (Tk Pankaj Time left: white - 47 minutes, 32 seconds,black - 46 minutes, 25 seconds.)